Free Books by Walt: | Your Commments

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Recently sent to me:
    Walt- Just finished your book "Fish Farm". Great story, probably true in sime instances; send the next one SICKO. Ted

  2. Another comment sent to me via email
    Dear Mr Sautter-
    Now that I completed another of your books I am preparing myself for the next one. I viewed the new book site and think it is done very very well. I still am impressed with the imagination you must have to come up with these stories. When I discussed the books with Kathy she said you didn't make these stories up; you lived them while growing up in Hackettstown. Boy-O-Boy did you have me fooled!!! T.A.

    My Reply
    I'm glad you liked it.
    You have to remember, at my age, imagination is all I have left !!
    And about Kathy’s comment, well she's not all wrong!

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